About Us
KesarCo offers premium, authentic and indigenous food specialities across Herbs, Spices, Dried fruits, nuts, condiments and various other categories to satisfy your taste and nutrition requirements.
The inquisitiveness for regional craft, artistry and locally grown eatables took our founders - Rahul and Preety through a course of discovery when they found time-honoured gems in the form of local Kashmiri farmers who helped them in taking the sentiment and fondness for the Valley to around the globe which led them to bring which led them to begin their journey of KesarCo and expand their state's global stature by offering the world the most esteemed endowments of the Valley.
We aim to bring not just commodities but authenticity, distinction and experiences.
This is why we decided to meld our passion and levitate what truly deserves to be levitated in the affluent markets.
Thus, was born KesarCo.